Remember when I posted the Metallica image in one of the previous posts, I had no idea I'd be writing about Metallica some time soon.
No, no, dont close the window, I'm not writing about St.Anger era Metallica.
Something happened after their symphoney experiments, Metallica sounded like sort of faced with the lack of new ideas. Jay-Z fiasco and St.Anger. Oh boy!
I have no idea if these guys had gone nuts or something but since James Hetfield's earlier interviews were to be believed, they (James and Lars) always wanted to make garage record, raw and edgy (more like Motorhead, that is).
And so they made St. Anger that alienated the fans and myself included, i 'tried' to like that album for the love of Metallica. I was one of the sorry asses who bought the limited edition St. Anger disc that reached the wrong side of Pacific after a few days it was released everywhere.
I didnt instantly dislike it but it reminded me of James' earlier admission and at last they had made a punk record and I was in for a surprise. It aint fun, honey!
Had that album was recorded by any other unknown band, it would have got better reviews but Metallica has bigger expectations from all the fans.
It wasnt the Metallica I had known. I had almost lost faith and started believing lately that Metallica had 'sold out' and started making sissy movies about band group therapies and stuff like that. But Jay Z made money with Double Black Album, that is.
That's reality folks!
Wait, I got something here, I came across this new Metallica song that is making rounds on the net and boy it Rocks!
Yeah, you heard it right, it Rocks and moreover it has got some tasty solo as well.
It was played live in Germany on their Escape from Studio tour and the sound aint that great. James sounds really tired and his vocals are very uninspiring, sounds too sissy. Hell, they got sissy when they cut their hair!
Lars does some old school double bass assault in the last section of the song along with Kirk churning out some meaty solo since... whatever. Well, the song sounds better, not the old Metallica but a new direction, it is heavy and doomy but all of a sudden it takes a thrashy direction in the end.
Is it a sign of things to come?
I dont know guys, this band has recently been getting kicks out of alienating the old fans and many fans have started getting kicks in return by hating Metallica.
Metallica never ceases to surprise but at least this time at least I hope it is not a shock treatment that St. Anger was.
If anyone remembers, Metallica had announced before St.Anger that the next album is going to sound like Meshuggah! It had created a major buzz in the metal underground because Meshuggah is one of the respected bands and they have a loyal fan base, I'm one of them.
But cant say what Metallica might come up with next.
Check that out here and find out for yourself! Its a bootleg video, so dont expect great audio-video quality.
And forgot to mention, the song is tentatively title as "Death is not the End".
Damn right.
No, no, dont close the window, I'm not writing about St.Anger era Metallica.
Something happened after their symphoney experiments, Metallica sounded like sort of faced with the lack of new ideas. Jay-Z fiasco and St.Anger. Oh boy!

And so they made St. Anger that alienated the fans and myself included, i 'tried' to like that album for the love of Metallica. I was one of the sorry asses who bought the limited edition St. Anger disc that reached the wrong side of Pacific after a few days it was released everywhere.
I didnt instantly dislike it but it reminded me of James' earlier admission and at last they had made a punk record and I was in for a surprise. It aint fun, honey!
Had that album was recorded by any other unknown band, it would have got better reviews but Metallica has bigger expectations from all the fans.
It wasnt the Metallica I had known. I had almost lost faith and started believing lately that Metallica had 'sold out' and started making sissy movies about band group therapies and stuff like that. But Jay Z made money with Double Black Album, that is.
That's reality folks!

Yeah, you heard it right, it Rocks and moreover it has got some tasty solo as well.
It was played live in Germany on their Escape from Studio tour and the sound aint that great. James sounds really tired and his vocals are very uninspiring, sounds too sissy. Hell, they got sissy when they cut their hair!

Is it a sign of things to come?
I dont know guys, this band has recently been getting kicks out of alienating the old fans and many fans have started getting kicks in return by hating Metallica.
Metallica never ceases to surprise but at least this time at least I hope it is not a shock treatment that St. Anger was.
If anyone remembers, Metallica had announced before St.Anger that the next album is going to sound like Meshuggah! It had created a major buzz in the metal underground because Meshuggah is one of the respected bands and they have a loyal fan base, I'm one of them.
But cant say what Metallica might come up with next.
Check that out here and find out for yourself! Its a bootleg video, so dont expect great audio-video quality.
And forgot to mention, the song is tentatively title as "Death is not the End".
Damn right.
Labels: maxMusic
Hey did anyone notice the Gapingvoid widget I added to my blog today, it can be found below the links?
Very funny and insightful cartoons. Check them out every time you visit here, if possible or bookmark that link and visit often or whatever.
Before you start thinking why all of a sudden my post deviated from usual music and metal stuff, I'll clarify you. I have been visiting Gapingvoid for some time and have really liked the way Hugh MacLeod's cartoons have conveyed messages in a satirical way, at times downright in-your-balls stuff.
And by the way, these cartoons are available in big prints on that site that you can use for coffee mugs, t-shrts and other dorky stuff like that, thought you may be interested.
Or I might have run out of Googlejuice to come up with a new post!
Not really, that was a Gapingvoid joke.
Well if you havent been living in a cave for some time now, you wouldnt have any idea what Gapingvoid is or who Hugh McLeod is.
Hugh MacLeod (based in Cumbira, England, four miles from Scottish border) draws cartoons on the back of business cards, not just his own cards but others' cards also. He works at Stormhoek as a marketing and blogging consultant, what he prefers to call as The Global Microbrand.
He used to live in New York and London but since his career became 100% web-enabled, it made sense to live somewhere that isnt cheap and easy.
Anyways, here are some of the interesting ones I have collected over time and the rest ones can be found at Gapingvoid site or you can find the latest ones at the widget on this blog below the links.
Very funny and insightful cartoons. Check them out every time you visit here, if possible or bookmark that link and visit often or whatever.

And by the way, these cartoons are available in big prints on that site that you can use for coffee mugs, t-shrts and other dorky stuff like that, thought you may be interested.
Or I might have run out of Googlejuice to come up with a new post!
Not really, that was a Gapingvoid joke.

Hugh MacLeod (based in Cumbira, England, four miles from Scottish border) draws cartoons on the back of business cards, not just his own cards but others' cards also. He works at Stormhoek as a marketing and blogging consultant, what he prefers to call as The Global Microbrand.
He used to live in New York and London but since his career became 100% web-enabled, it made sense to live somewhere that isnt cheap and easy.